Nvidia adjust desktop size and position ไม ม gpu

The scaling controls let you adjust the size of the desktop to best fit your screen. The configuration that you specify may be overridden by the settings in the Resize section.

Select a scaling mode

Aspect ratio: This setting expands the desktop as much as possible while maintaining the same dimensional proportions, or aspect ratio, as the original image. There may be some black borders, but you may prefer this setting to avoid distorting the image.

Full-screen: This setting stretches the desktop to fill the entire display screen.

No scaling: This setting leaves the display image in its original size and centers it on your screen resulting in a small though crisp image. A black border may appear around the display image.

Integer scaling: Available only when scaling is performed on the GPU, and only for NVIDIA Turing and later GPUs. Scales smaller-than-native resolution source by duplicating pixels at the maximum possible integer factor in both horizontal and vertical directions.

Perform Scaling on

GPU: This causes the GPU to scale the desktop from the set resolution up to the native resolution timing.

Automatic: This setting uses a combination of display and GPU scaling to scale the desktop from the set resolution up to the native resolution timing.

Override the scaling mode set by games and programs

When this check box is checked, applications cannot change the scaling mode set on this page.


Under the Preview section you can select a resolution and refresh rate, and then the preview image shows how full-screen applications will appear on the screen, using the selected scaling configuration. The available refresh rates will depend on the scaling method selected.


Some displays, such as HDTVs, extend the edges of the display beyond the visible borders of the screen. This overscan is intended to hide broadcast data that is not intended for the viewer. This results in hiding useful parts of the screen for non-broadcast content, such as the Windows desktop.

The best way to resize the screen in order to view the entire content is to use the controls provided by the display hardware.

The resize controls on the NVIDIA Control Panel are provided in case satisfactory results cannot be achieved using the controls on the display.

If you're playing Sacred Gold on a widescreen monitor, or any monitor that is not 1024x768, you've probably noticed some distortion. This is because the game was developed to use only one resolution: 1024x768. Any other resolution will cause the game to stretch to fit the screen unless you have the appropriate settings. This guide will help you set these settings if you are running on an NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU).

สวัสดีครับผมมีปัญหากับตัว Nvidia control panel ตรงหัวข้อ adjust desktop size and position ผมต้องการปรับ จาก Display เป็น Gpu แต่มีแค่ Display ให้เลือกข้อเดียว แล้วตรง Resolution ปรับสูงสุดได้แค่ 1600x1200 ทั้งที่จริงๆควรปรับได้ 1920x1080 ใครพอรู้ช่วยหน่อยครับขอบคุณครับ รูปครับ https://www.mx7.com/i/109/OeUOue.png



Nvidia adjust desktop size and position ไม ม gpu

