ข้อสอบเรื่องโครโมโซมและสารพันธุกรรม ม.4 พร้อมเฉลย

 1. �ѡɳ�㹢��㴷���ʴ��������ժ��Ե��ʻժ������ǡѹ

2. �ѹ����� (homosygous) ����ѡɳ��

3. �ѹ���ҧ (heterozygous) ����ѡɳ��

4. �����׺�ѹ����Ȫ�� ��͢���

5. �����Դ���Ԣͧ��������ҧ��� �¡�������ӹǹ������ �繡�����
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������ҡ�ô�ǹ� (Dawn syndrome)

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2 Ẻ ��� BB,bb
3 Ẻ ��� BB,Bb,bb
4 Ẻ ��� BB,Bb,bb,Bb

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22 ��+X ��� 22 ��+Y
22 ��+Y ��� 22 ��+Y

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47+XXX ���� 47+XXY

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�����Է�ҹԾ��� ���������������͡Ẻ��ʫԧ�ٻ����Ѻ��ô֧�ѹ�����
Varintra Ungbhakorn �����Ҩ�������֡�� �.��.��. 侺���� ൪����������.��. ��Է��� ����ҡó�
Paiboon Techalertpaisarn, Ph.D.Prof Variddhi Ungbhakorn, Ph.D. ����ʶҺѹ ����ŧ�ó�����Է�����. �ѳ�Ե�Է�����
Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok. (Thailand). Graduate School. �дѺ��ԭ�������������´�Ң��Ԫ� �Է�ҹԾ�����Һѳ�Ե. �Է����ʵ�� (�ѹ������Ѵ�ѹ)
Master. Science (Orthodontics) �շ�診����֡�� 2546 ���Ѵ���(��) �ѵ�ػ��ʧ��ͧ����Ԩ�¤�� �������º��º��Ҥ����秵֧�ͧ��ʫԧ�ٻ�������ҡ��äӹdz�����ɮպ��ͧ��ʵԡ�������Шҡ��÷��ͧ �����������ҧ����ʫԧ�ٻ���Ѵ�ҡ�Ǵ���硡������ʹ����Ҵ 0.016x0.022 ���� �ӹǹ 4 �ٻẺ�ٻẺ�� 5 �ٻ ���� vertical helical loop, T-loop, Opus90 loop ��� helicalT-loop ������Ѵ��ǹ����Ѵ��ǹ���������ѵ����ǹ����������ç�����ҡ��äӹdz�ҧ��ɮ��ҡ����ش �����Ѵ��Ҵ�ç��Ǣ�ҹ�Ѻ�Ңͧ�ٻ����дѺ�����ҡ����ͤ���Ƿ��������ͤ���Ƿ 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 ��� 3.00 ��. ������´��ٹ���������ʵԧ����չ��� LF plus ���º��º��Ҥ����秵֧�ͧ��ʫԧ�ٻ��� 4 �ٻẺ �����ҡ��äӹdz�ҧ��ɮ���Шҡ��÷��ͧ ����ʶԵԷ��ͺ�������¢ͧ��Ъҡ����Ƿ���дѺ����Ӥѭ .05 �š���Ԩ�¾���� ��Ҥ����秵֧�ͧ vertical helical loop, T-loop, Opus90loop ��� helical T-loop �����ҡ��äӹdz�����ɮպ��ͧ��ʵԡ�������ҡѺ33.80, 23.80, 19.60 ��� 23.50 ����/��. ����ӴѺ ��ǹ��Ҥ����秵֧�����ҡ��÷��ͧ��ҡѺ 81.90, 59.63, 55.94 ��� 47.66 ����/��. ����ӴѺ ��÷��ͺ�������¢ͧ��Ъҡ����Ǿ���� ��Ҥ����秵֧�ͧ��ʫԧ�ٻ��� 4 �ٻẺ�����ҡ��÷��ͧ�����ҡѺ��Ҥ����秵֧�����ҡ��äӹdz�ҧ��ɮշ���дѺ����Ӥѭ.05 (p = .000) �ѧ��鹷�ɮպ��ͧ��ʵԡ����⹨֧�������������й�����ӹdz�Ҥ�Ҥ����秵֧�ͧ��ʫԧ�ٻ ���ҧ�á����ŷҧ��ɮ��ѧ�ջ���ª��㹡�÷�����Һ�Է�ԾŢͧ���������¹�Ѵ��ǹ��ҧ� �ͧ�ٻ��ͤ���ѵ����ǹ����������ç��Ф�Ҥ����秵֧ ���Щй�鹷�ɮպ��ͧ��ʵԡ����⹡����Ըա�÷ҧ��Ե��ʵ�����Ҩ����ǹ����㹡���͡Ẻ ������㨤س�ѡɳТͧ��ʫԧ�ٻ�ѹ�Դ�ҡ�Ѵ��ǹ��ҧ� �ͧ�ٻ�� ���Ѵ���(English) The objectives of this research is to compare values of the stiffnesses of theclosing loops calculated by Castigliano's theorem to those by experimental results.Selected samples are the closing loops constructed from 0.016x0.022 inch stainlesssteel wire. They are four types of closing loops, namely, vertical helical loop, T-loop,Opus90 loop and helical T-loop, each with five samples. The configuration of eachtype of loops corresponds to the configuration which gives maximum MIF ratio theoretically.The activated forces are measured by applying the force parallel to the horizontal legsof each loop using Lloyd universal testing machine LF plus. The activated displacementsare 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 mm. The resulting values of loop stiffnessesobtained from experiment are then compared to the theoretical stiffnesses by usingthe test statistic one-sample t-test at .05 significant level. The Castigliano's theorem predicts the values of loop stiffnesses of the verticalhelical loop, T-loop, Opus90 loop and helical T-loop to be 33.80, 23.80, 19.60 and23.50 gm/mm respectively. The experimental values of the corresponding closing loopsare 81.90, 59.63, 55.94 and 47.66 gm/mm respectively. From the t-test, it is found out thatthe stiffness values of the four closing loops obained from experiment are not equal tothose from theory at .05 significant level (p = .000). Hence, the Castigliano's theorem is,not suitable for calculating the loop stiffness. However, the theoretical results still showthe influence of variable dimensions of the closing loop on the MIF ratios and stiffnesses.Therefore, the Castigliano's theorem is still the mathematical method which may facilitatethe design and understand the characteristics of the closing loop formed from various dimensions. ���ҷ������¹�Է�ҹԾ��� �ӹǹ˹�Ңͧ�Է�ҹԾ��� 108 P. ISBN 974-17-3514-6 ʶҹ���Ѵ���Է�ҹԾ��� ���Ӥѭ STIFFNESS, CLOSING LOOP, CASTIGLIANO, CONFIGURATION, M, F �Է�ҹԾ���������Ǣ�ͧ




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