ประโยค คุย กับ ลูกค้า ภาษา อังกฤษ

24 �Ӿٴ�ԧ�ǡ��������ԡ���١��Ҫ�ǵ�ҧ�ҵ����ҧ����Ҫվ

24 Positive Words to Service Foreign Customer

�����Ӿٴ�ԧ�ǡ����ö���ҧ��������ѹ����աѺ�١��������Ҩ��繡�ú�ԡ��Ẻ༪ԭ˹�� �ҧ���Ѿ�� ��� ���᪷�Ѻ�١��� ��觡�����͡��Ӿٴ�Т������Ѻʶҹ��ó� �����觷�����˹�ҷ���ͧ��è�������áѺ�١��� ��駹�� �������ԡ�õ�ͧ��������� ��Ҥ�����͡��Ӿٴ����١�����ҡ�ѧ  �����Ӿٴ��������ҡ�ٴ��ҹ��

��������͹˹�ҹ�� Call Center Master ����¹����ǡѺ������ٻẺ�Ӿٴ�ԧ�ǡ�������� �����Ҿ�������˹�ҷ���ԡ���١����ա������ ���繵�ͧ��������������ѧ���  ��������� Call Center Master ���觻ѹ�����Ӿٴ�ԧ�ǡ��������ԡ���١��Ҫ�ǵ�ҧ�ҵ����ҧ����Ҫվ �ʶҹ��ó��ҧ� �ѧ���

• ����Ƿѡ��� ���͵�͹�Ѻ�١��� (Greeting)

1. “Welcome to (Company Name) Customer Service. My name is (Agent Name). How can I help you?”

2. “Good morning/afternoon.  You’re contacting (Company Name). My name is (Agent Name). How may I help you today?”

• ��������˹�ҷ�� ����բ����ŷ���١����ͺ��� (Does not have information)

3. “Let me find out …. for you …”

•  �͢����Ũҡ�١���������� (When More Information Is Needed)

4.  “ About your inquiry, it would be great if you could tell me a bit more about…”

5.  “For me to (Action), it would be brilliant if you could give me just of few more details on.”

•  �ʴ���������ʶҹ��ó�ͧ�١��� (Acknowledge Customer Situation)

6.  “Thank you (Customer Name), it is great that you informed us about this issue.”

7.  “I realise that this situation is difficult, but let’s try and find a solution.”

8. “I’m sorry you are having this problem. Let’s see if there is anything we can do to help the situation.”

•  ���ҧ�����������Ѻ�١��� (Reassuring the Customer)

9. “Definitely, I will make sure that this gets resolved for you.”

•  �ʹͤ��������������������й����١��� (Giving Instructions and Assistance)

10.  “All you need to do is to just….”

11.  “A simple way / method to fix it will be to…”

12.  “I will email you a link to the web page and stay on the phone, if you need further assistance.”

•  �;ѡ��������Ң����� ���� ����ҹ�ҹ (Put Customer on Hold)

13. “Would you please waiting when I put you on hold for a minute or two, while I quickly retrieve your details?”

•  ����ʹ��Ƿҧ�����䢻ѭ�ҷ�����ç�Ѻ������ͧ��� (Give Alternative Solution)

16. “What I’m doing for you now is…(Alternative solution)” 

17. “The item is out of stock. Would you like me to pre-order it for you so it will be with you in 4 weeks?”

• ����ԡ���١��ҷ����������⡸� (Dealing with Angry Customer)

18.  “I am very sorry for your inconvenience, for the quickest resolution, I would request you to …

19.  “Thank you so much for your understanding, (Customer Name), I will do my best to help you..” 

20. “We always value customers who give us their feedback.  I will be sure to pass on what you have told me to our manager team…”

• ���Ѻ����ͧ���ʹ��Թ��õ�� (Ask for Next Action)

21. “I would like torecommend that you (Action), (Customer Name), so that I can take further action without delay.”

• ��è�ʹ��� (Closing the Call)

22. “Is there anything, I can help your further?”

23. “Thanks for calling, and if you have any additional questions, please contact us.”

24. “Thank you for calling (Company Name) and have a nice holiday.”

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