Financial lease บันทึกบัญชี

-  สัญญาเช่าทางการเงิน (Finance lease)

-  บันทึกเป็นลูกหนี้

-  ค่าเช่ารับแบ่งเป็น 2 ส่วน

-  ส่วนที่ไปลดเงินต้น

-  กรณีเป็นผู้ผลิตหรือผู้ขาย บันทึกกำไรขาดทุนจากการขายเช่นเดียวกับการขายปกติ

-  บันทึกค่าเช่ารับ (ดอกเบี้ยและเงินต้น) เป็นรายได้

-  ไม่มีกำไรขาดทุนจากการขายทรัพย์สินขณะเริ่มสัญญา

-  บันทึกค่าเสื่อมราคาสินทรัพย์เป็นค่าใช้จ่าย

-  อาจมีกำไรขาดทุนจากการขายทรัพย์สินเมื่อมีการซื้อขายทรัพย์สิน

คำศัพท์ TOEIC แจกฟรี 500 คำ พร้อมความหมายและตัวอย่างประโยค คำศัพท์ TOEIC ออกสอบบ่อยที่ทุกคนไม่ควรพลาด แถมเรายังแยกเป็นหมวดหมู่ให้ด้วยเพื่อให้เข้าใจง่าย มาพร้อมตัวอย่างประโยคที่จะช่วยให้เข้าใจคำศัพท์ TOEIC นั้น ๆ ได้มากขึ้นด้วย ใครที่กำลังจะสอบ TOEIC แต่ไม่ถนัดเรื่องคำศัพท์ คำศัพท์ TOEIC แจกฟรี 500 คำนี้จะช่วยให้ทำข้อสอบได้ดีขึ้นอย่างแน่นอน


คำศัพท์ TOEIC หมวดเศรษฐศาสตร์ / การเงิน

คำศัพท์ความหมายตัวอย่างประโยคassets (n.)สินทรัพย์
(ซึ่งมีค่าแลกเปลี่ยนเป็นเงินหรือใช้หนี้ได้)By the end of 2020 the company had assets of 200 billion note (n.)ธนบัตรAnd occasionally small finds, some coins; a banknote in a draft (n.)ใบสั่งจ่ายเงินธนาคารPayment by cheque or cashier’s cheque or bank draft dated within September 30, 2021.bankrupt (adj.)ล้มละลายThen he declares the company bankrupt before paying off the promissory note, canceling the debt.bankruptcy (n.)การล้มละลายI have to summarize all those cases in bankruptcy over there.beneficiary (n.)ผู้รับผลประโยชน์The beneficiary will receive money on the same day or on the next working day.benefit (n.)ผลประโยชน์Mutual trading will be the biggest benefit of both nations.bill (n.)ใบแจ้งหนี้This is the bill from the hotel where we (n.)เงินสดThe shop charges less if the customer pays in cash.charge (n.)ค่าธรรมเนียมThere is a charge for the use of the swimming pool.customs (n.)ภาษีศุลกากรAny customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country.currency (n.)เงินตราThe bank can supply you with foreign currency.debt (n.)หนี้, หนี้สินShe had debts of over £200,000.debit (v.)หักบัญชีPlease authorise us to debit your account and, where possible, give a day-time telephone number in case of query.deflation (n.)การชะลอตัวทางเศรษฐกิจObviously a process of balanced deflation would entail no alteration of the real wage rate.demand (n.)ความต้องการIt follows that their demand for bank deposits is also growing at twice the rate of growth of nominal income.deposit (n.)เงินฝากI’d like to make a deposit into my savings account.donation (n.)การบริจาคAny donation however small, will be gratefully received.earn (v.)ได้รับ, ได้กำไร, มีรายได้He earns nearly £10,000 a year.earnings (n.)รายได้, ผลกำไรThe company’s earnings have dropped by 4% in the first quarter.economic (adj.)เกี่ยวกับเศรษฐกิจEconomic growth is slow.economical (adj.)ประหยัดTim’s a very economical person, . He always looks around for the best buys.economics (n.)เศรษฐศาสตร์She received a master’s degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Chulalongkorn University.economy (n.)เศรษฐกิจ, การใช้เงินหรือทรัพยากรอย่างประหยัดNot insuring your belongings is a false economyfamine (n.)ภาวะข้าวยากหมากแพง, ความอดอยากMillions of people in Africa continue to die because of war and famine.fee (n.)ค่าธรรมเนียมYou can use the gym and pool for a fee of £45 a (n.)การเงินHe was an expert in finance and advised people where to invest their (n.)กองทุนThe government agreed to create a fund to help develop rural areas.fundraising (n.)การระดมทุนNow she has joined the Breakthrough fundraising drive to build a research centre in Thailand.hardship (n.)ความทุกข์ยาก, ความยากลำบากMany students are suffering severe financial hardship.heritage (n.)มรดกOur aim is to make the performing arts, museums and our heritage accessible to all.income (n.)รายได้Braund’s annual income is just over $50,000.inflation (n.)การขยายตัว, ภาวะเงินเฟ้อThe inflation rate rose to 4.5% last month.invest (v.)ลงทุนI want to invest the money my aunt left me.investment (n.)การลงทุนWe have the largest investment in microelectronics technology of any company in the world.joint venture (n.)การร่วมลงทุน, การลงทุนร่วมกันUnder the joint venture the council will pay nothing, while profits will accrue to Biomassloan (n.)เงินกู้, การกู้ยืมI had to take out a loan to buy my (v.)ให้กู้Can you loan me $5?lucrative (adj.)ที่ให้กำไรงามCatering is a very lucrative business if you succeed in it.landlord / landlady (n.)เจ้าของที่ดิน, เจ้าของบ้านเช่า, เจ้าของอพาร์ตเมนต์The newspaper is negotiating with its landlord to reduce its rent.license (n.)ใบอนุญาตThe vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.monetary (adj.)เกี่ยวกับเงิน, ทางการเงินThere’s only one conclusion to make about this data on monetary (n.)การจำนองWe decided to use Fred’s redundancy money to pay off the mortgage.obligation (n.)ภาระผูกพันGreater resources are needed to meet these obligations.owe (v.)ติดหนี้I owe a great deal to my publishers, who helped me to finish writing the book.overdraft (n.)เงินเบิกเกินบัญชีThey had been given borrowing and overdraft facilities.payment (n.)การชำระเงินAn overdraft offered more flexibility but higher cost.prosperous (adj.)ร่ำรวย, เฟื่องฟูDeng was the son of a prosperous landowner.profit (n.)กำไรThe shop’s daily profit is usually around $400.profitability (n.)การได้กำไรThey plan to increase profitability by making the factory more efficient.profitable (adj.)ซึ่งได้ผลกำไรIt is a profitable business but there is evidence of some slack time, perhaps this is a learning curve effect.recession (n.)ภาวะเศรษฐกิจถดถอยThere is deep recession in the UK.receipt (n.)ใบเสร็จรับเงินKeep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.repayment (n.)การชำระคืนThey’re demanding repayment for the cost of the uniforms.savings (n.)เงินออม, เงินสะสมUnder his original proposal, much of the savings would have gone to the wealthy.taxation (n.)ภาษีอากรNo order for costs save legal aid taxation.transaction (n.)ธุรกรรมWhen the transaction is complete it will be at least two weeks before you receive your copy of the contract.withdraw (v.)ถอน (เงิน)I’d like to withdraw £300 from my current account.


คำศัพท์ TOEIC หมวดที่ทำงาน / ธุรกิจ

คำศัพท์ความหมายตัวอย่างประโยคadvertisement (n.)การโฆษณาThe organizers of the concert had taken out a full page advertisement in ‘The New York Times’.advertise (v.)ลงโฆษณาMany companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.advantageous (adj.)มีประโยชน์, ให้คุณMany bus companies provide advantageous fare tickets especially for tourists.admittance (n.)การอนุญาตให้เข้า,


He was refused admittance into the country.ability (n.)ความสามารถNo one doubts his ability to get work done quickly.abroad (adv.)ในต่างประเทศA lot of goods are imported from abroad.aim (v.)มุ่งหวังWe aim to finish by (n.)บริษัทตัวแทนShe works for an advertising agency.agenda (n.)ระเบียบวาระการประชุมA copy of the agenda is circulated to delegates a month before the conference.agreement (n.)ข้อตกลงI am hopeful that we can come to an agreement.agree (v.)ตกลงI agree with her analysis of the situation.analyze (v.)วิเคราะห์The first step is to define and analyse the problem.announcement (n.)การประกาศThe announcement of further job losses comes at a bad time.annual (adj.)ประจำปีShe organized this year’s annual Christmas dinner dance.alternative (n.)ทางเลือกHis idea seemed to offer a possible alternative.allow (v.)อนุญาตThe law allowed companies to dismiss workers without any reason.ambitious (adj.)ทะเยอทะยานI am very ambitious. Nothing means more to me than winning.assess (v.)ประเมินผลWe are trying to assess how well the system works.assistant (n.)ผู้ช่วยMy assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.association (n.)องค์กร, สมาคมIt was to be a free association of equal partners.assign (v.)มอบหมายThey’ve assigned their best man to the job.achievement (n.)ความสำเร็จThis conference in itself constitutes a solid achievement.apology (n.)คำขอโทษShe finally received an apology from the company.applicant (n.)ผู้สมัครThere were over 500 applicants for the job.application (n.)ใบสมัครYou need to complete the online application form.apprentice (n.)ผู้ฝึกงานI was an apprentice in an upholstery shop when I was a teenager.approximate (adj.)ราว ๆ, ประมาณConstruction was completed at an approximate cost of $4.1 million.approve (v.)อนุมัติShe didn’t quite approve of the way he was running things.appropriate (adj.)เหมาะสมSkills can be enhanced by the appropriate use of technology in certain circumstances.appoint (v.)แต่งตั้งShe’s been appointed British ambassador to the UN.appointment (n.)การนัดหมายTom has been given an appointment at the local hospital.attach (v.)แนบI attach a copy of the spreadsheet.attend (v.)เข้าร่วมHe was invited to attend a seminar in Paris.affordable (adj.)ราคาไม่แพงThis model is relatively affordable at just $85.afford (v.)จ่ายShe can well afford to pay for herself.arrange (v.)เตรียมการ, จัดเตรียมThe president arranged for a meeting in his office.authority (n.)อำนาจI’m the one with the authority here.authorize (v.)มอบอำนาจI have authorized him to act for me while I am away.awareness (n.)ความตระหนักPoliticians now have much greater awareness of these problems.bargain (v.)ต่อรองHe bargained hard and was stubborn.bilingual (adj.)ซึ่งพูดได้สองภาษาShe is bilingual in (v.)ประมูล, ให้ราคาTwo dealers bid against each other for the antique table.board (n.)คณะกรรมการThe board is/are unhappy about falling sales.borrow (v.)ยืมMembers can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time.boost (n.)การส่งเสริมThe tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.budget (n.)งบประมาณAll her projects are on time and on budget.branch (n.)สาขาThe store is opening more local branches.briefing (n.)การบรรยายสรุปCaptain Trent gave his men a full briefing.briefcase (n.)กระเป๋าเอกสารHe wore a torn suit and carried a battered briefcase.bulletin (n.)แถลงการณ์, ประกาศThe government will issue an official bulletin later this week.campaign (v.)รณรงค์We campaign on behalf of consumers.critical (adj.)วิกฤติIndustry leaders are working together to address this critical issue.calculate (v.)คำนวณ, คาดการณ์Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.cancellation (n.)การยกเลิกWe need at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation.candidate (n.)ผู้สมัครhere were no suitable candidates for the (n.)อาชีพShe achieved a lot in her chosen career.cause (n.)สาเหตุIt is not easy to separate cause and effect in this (n.)การกุศลShe runs a charity for homeless young people.client (n.)ลูกค้า, ผู้ซื้อThe company needs to focus on its biggest clients.classify (v.)แยกประเภทWe can classify machines in terms of their function.code (n.)รหัสTap your code number into the machine.cost (n.)ต้นทุนThe company is focused on lowering its operating costs.confidential (adj.)เป็นความลับThere is concern about several confidential documents which have gone missing.confusion (n.)ความสับสนThere is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.connection (n.)ความสัมพันธ์I have some good business connections in New York.consultant (n.)ที่ปรึกษาWe brought in a management consultant to sort out the mess.convince (v.)โน้มน้าว, ชักจูงYou’ll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.consignment (n.)การส่งมอบ,การส่งของA consignment of medicines is on its way now.consider (v.)พิจารณาIt was a carefully considered decision.consumer (n.)ผู้บริโภคWe need to educate consumers about this technology.consume (v.)บริโภค25 per cent of the world’s population consumes 80 per cent of the planet’s resources.consult (v.)ปรึกษาIf the pain continues, consult your (n.)การก่อสร้างConstruction began this year and will take approximately 18 months.contribute (v.)ให้ (เพื่อช่วยเหลือ)The company contributed $50 000 towards training costs.contribution (n.)การบริจาคWe were asked to make a contribution towards the cost of the meal.continual (adj.)ต่อเนื่องHe was in a continual process of rewriting his material.concern (n.)ความกังวลHe felt some concern for her safety.complaint (n.)การร้องเรียนWe received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities.competition (n.)การแข่งขันWe’re going to have a competition to see who can swim the fastest.corporation (n.)บริษัทThe modern corporation has grown out of the industrial age.criticize (v.)วิจารณ์The project has been criticized as a waste of money.certification (n.)ได้รับการรับรองShe need some kind of certification for the jobs.chairman (n.)ประธานHe steps down as chairman of the Federal Reserve next year.chairperson (n.)ประธานThe chairperson has been associated with the organization for ten years.criteria (n.)เกณฑ์She failed to meet the stringent selection criteria.declare (v.)ประกาศ,แถลง, แจ้งHe will probably have to declare bankruptcy.decrease (v.)ลดลงThe price of wheat has decreased by 5 per cent.defect (n.)ข้อบกพร่องThere is evidence that air pollution can cause birth defects.defective (adj.)มีข้อบกพร่องHer vision is severely defective.definite (adj.)แน่นอน, แน่ชัด, ชัดเจนHe was pretty definite about the price.delay (n.)ความล่าช้าWe apologize for the delay in answering your letter.department (n.)แผนกShe used to work in the IT department.depend on (phrv.)ขึ้นอยู่กับThe outcome seems to depend on the type of soil used.determine (v.)กำหนดIt should be possible to determine the level of interest.deterioration (n.)การเสื่อมสภาพa serious deterioration in relations between the two countriesdiscount (v.)ลดราคาThe news reports were being discounted as (n.)ส่วนลดYou can get a substantial discount off your car insurance.dismiss (v.)ไม่สนใจHe dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.discussion (n.)การสนทนาI discovered something interesting during a family discussion.discrepancy (n.)ความคลาดเคลื่อนThere were wide discrepancies in the evidence.disruption (n.)การหยุดชะงักWe might have a disruption of our little project.downturn (n.)ขาลง, แนวโน้มที่แย่ลงThe building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.developer (n.)ผู้พัฒนาA local developer is planning to build a supermarket on the site.development (n.)การพัฒนา, ความก้าวหน้าThe company can offer a number of opportunities for career development.develop (v.)พัฒนาThe aim is to develop your personal skills.drastic (adj.)รุนแรงThe government is threatening to take drastic action.drastically (adv.)อย่างรุนแรงThings have started to go drastically wrong.drop (v.)หล่นBe careful not to drop that plate.duration (n.)ระยะเวลาThe next contract will be of shorter duration.effective (adj.)มีประสิทธิภาพWe find advertising on the radio very effective.effectively (adv.)อย่างได้ผลhe company must reduce costs to compete effectively.effectiveness (n.)ประสิทธิผลQuickly established an effectiveness and popularity within the community.element (n.)องค์ประกอบThere are three important elements to consider.electricity (n.)กระแสไฟฟ้าThey are looking to develop more efficient ways of converting the energy from sunlight into electricity.employment (n.)การจ้างงานThe company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.employ (v.)จ้างHis company currently employs 135 workers in total.employer (n.)นายจ้างThey’re very good employers.endurance (n.)ความอดทนShe showed great endurance in the face of pain.endure (v.)อดทนHe had to endure the racist taunts of the crowd.evaluate (v.)ประเมินThe trial will evaluate the effectiveness of the different (n.)วิศวกรWe worked with a team of scientists and engineers.environment (n.)สิ่งแวดล้อมWe aim to provide a pleasant working environment.enthusiastic (adj.)กระตือรือร้นHe was quite enthusiastic about the idea.entitlement (n.)สิทธิHoliday entitlements for temporary workers are less than for permanent staff.enroll (v.)ลงทะเบียนYou need to enroll before the end of August.enthusiastically (adv.)อย่างกระตือรือร้น‘The new program is really well designed,’ she says enthusiastically.enterprise (n.)องค์กรThey plan to privatize over 100 state-owned enterprises.equivalent (adj.)เท่ากัน, เท่ากับthe price we would pay elsewhere for a broadly equivalent houseexpansion (n.)การขยายตัวDespite the recession the company is confident of further expansion.expand (v.)ขยายตัวI needed to expand my possibilities of making a living.expense (n.)ค่าใช้จ่ายWe were taken out for a meal at the company’s expense.experience (n.)ประสบการณ์I have over ten years’ experience as a (adj.)ด่วนCustomers expressed interest in trying the product.expect (v.)คาดหวังShe confidently expects to win.excess (n.)จำนวนที่มากเกินไปIn an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late.excessive (adj.)ซึ่งมากเกินไป, ซึ่งมากเกินกว่าจะยอมรับได้They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat.executive (n.)ผู้บริหารHe’s a senior executive in a computer firm.engage (v.)มีส่วนร่วมThe party is attempting to engage young voters politically.establish (v.)สร้าง, จัดตั้งThe committee was established in 1912.estimate (v.)ประมาณการAll variables can be estimated from the data.extend (v.)ต่ออายุ, ขยายเวลาThe proposal was to extend paid leave to six months.extension (n.)การยืดขยายThe bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.external (adj.)ภายนอกThe lotion is for external use only.examination (n.)การตรวจสอบCareful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple.examine (v.)ไต่สวน, สอบสวน, ตรวจสอบIt is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out.exploration (n.)การสำรวจExtensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.experiment (n.)การทดลองทางวิทยาศาสตร์The results of the experiment were inconclusive.especially (adv.)โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งThe car is quite small, especially if you have children.fault (n.)ความผิด, ข้อผิดพลาดThey believe an electricity fault was the cause.factor (n.)ปัจจัยWe have identified a few key factors in the project’s success.factory (n.)โรงงานThe factory closed down ten years (v.)ล้มเหลวMany diets fail because they are boring.facilitate (v.)อำนวยความสะดวก, ให้ความสะดวกสบายComputers can be used to facilitate language learning.found (v.)ก่อตั้งThe town was founded by English settlers in 1790.former (adj.)ก่อนหน้านี้, ก่อน, ในอดีตThe former teacher, a lady, was too indulgent.foreign (adj.)เกี่ยวกับต่างประเทศI went to the bank to get some foreign currency.functional (adj.)ซึ่งสามารถนำไปใช้เป็นประโยชน์The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.function (n.)หน้าที่The club serves a useful function as a meeting place.faithfulness (n.)ความซื่อสัตย์, ความภักดีShe had doubts about his faithfulness.farewell (n.)การอำลา, การกล่าวลาShe said her farewells and left.flaw (n.)ข้อบกพร่องThere is still a basic flaw in your selection procedure.flexible (adj.)ซึ่งยืดหยุ่นได้, คล่องตัวYou need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.fruition (n.)การบรรลุผล, การเกิดผลAfter months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition.fluctuate (v.)ขึ้น ๆ ลง ๆ, ผันผวนThe rate of inflation has been fluctuating around 4% for some time.firm (n.)บริษัทShe works for a firm of management consultants based in London.goods (n.)สินค้าThe goods will be delivered within ten days.grievance (n.)ข้อข้องใจHe had a personal grievance against the professor.growth (n.)การเจริญเติบโตRemove dead leaves to encourage new growth.gradually (adv.)ค่อยๆWomen have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process.GUIDE (v.)แนะนำHe guided me in my research.guideline (n.)แนวทางThe guidelines require this information to be made available to the public.gather (v.)ชุมนุม, รวมตัว, รวบรวมhe whole family gathered together at Ray’s (adj.)ระดับโลก, ทั่วทั้งโลกThis year the global economy will grow by about 4 per cent.handle (v.)จัดการ, รับมือHe decided to handle things himself.haphazard (adj.)ซึ่งไม่เป็นระบบ, ซึ่งไม่มีการวางแผนIn the early years training was haphazard.hardware (n.)เครื่องมือ, อุปกรณ์คอมพิวเตอร์The laptop drawing tablet is a very useful piece of hardware.harmonious (adj.)ซึ่งเข้ากันได้ดี, สามัคคีA harmonious alliance between management and workershasten (v.)รีบ, เร่งI hasten to add that I knew nothing of the fraud at the time.haste (n.)ความเร่งรีบIn her haste to complete the work on time, she made a number of mistakes.haggle (v.)ต่อรองYou can sometimes haggle a good discount.hesitate (v.)ลังเลI didn’t hesitate about working with Mali.head office (n.)สำนักงานใหญ่Their head office is in New York.headquarters (n.)สำนักงานใหญ่I’m now based at headquarters.hire (v.)จ้างWe only want to hire permanent (n.)เจ้าภาพThe college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.hybrid (n.)สิ่งที่เกิดจากการผสมขึ้นมาThe music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk (v.)ประกันThe company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window (n.)สถาบัน, องค์กรHe is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.include (v.)รวม, มีThe festival is expanding to include more fringe events.incompetent (adj.)ซึ่งไร้ความสามารถShe worked for years under an incompetent manager.itemize (v.)ลงรายละเอียดWe had to provide an itemized list of what had been stolen.ideal (adj.)ซึ่งอยู่ในอุดมคติShe’s the ideal candidate for the job.identification (n.)การแสดงตัว, การระบุBiometric identification methods include fingerprints and facial recognition scanners.identify (v.)ระบุชื่อ, ระบุตัวShe was able to identify her attacker.indicate (v.)บ่องบอก, แสดงA yellowing of the skin indicates jaundice.ignore (v.)ละเลย, ไม่ใส่ใจ, เพิกเฉยI made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.illogical (adj.)ซึ่งไม่มีเหตุผล, ซึ่งไร้เหตุผลShe has an illogical fear of insects.illustrious (adj.)โดดเด่น, มีชื่อเสียงThe composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town.individual (adj.)รายบุคคล, แต่ละบุคคลWe interviewed each individual member of the community.individually (adv.)เป็นรายบุคคลThe hotel has 100 individually designed bedrooms.incentive (n.)แรงจูงใจThere is little incentive for firms to increase the skills of their workers.inconvenience (n.)ความไม่สะดวกWe apologize for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused.intend (v.)ตั้งใจWe intend that production will start next month.imitate (v.)เลียนแบบ, ทำตามอย่างNo computer can imitate the complex functions of the human brain.impression (n.)ความประทับใจMy first impression of him was favourable.immediate (adj.)ทันทีทันใดThe company announced the immediate availabilty of an updated version of the software.impel (v.)ผลักดัน, บังคับThere are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion.imply (v.)บ่งบอกถึง, บอกเป็นนัยI never meant to imply any criticism.impact (n.)ผลกระทบThe project’s impact on the environment should be minimal.impediment (n.)การขัดขวาง, สิ่งกีดขวาง, อุปสรรคThe level of inflation is a serious impediment to economic recovery.improve (v.)ปรับปรุง, พัฒนา, ดีขึ้นEngineers are working to improve this technology.improvement (n.)การปรับปรุงThe economy has shown significant improvement over the past 6 months.invite (v.)เชิญLet’s invite them all for dinner.inexperienced (adj.)ซึ่งไร้ประสบการณ์She was inexperienced in teaching art.information (n.)ข้อมูลMore detailed information is not yet available.install (v.)ติดตั้งThey’re planning to install a new drainage system.installation (n.)การติดตั้งInstallation of the new system will take several days.inventory (n.)สินค้าคงคลังThe inventory lists many rare items.invoice (n.)ใบแจ้งหนี้Please pay the final invoice within two weeks.issue (n.)ปัญหาThis is a big issue; we need more time to think about it.journal (n.)วารสารThe journal comes out five times a year.joint (adj.)ร่วมกันThe two sides agreed to establish a joint working group.jobless (adj.)ไม่มีงานทำThe company has plans to make more people jobless.judgment (n.)การพิจารณา, การตัดสิน,I don’t think he’s dishonest, but I question his judgement.justification (n.)การให้เหตุผลI can see some justification for her remarks.knowledge (n.)ความรู้He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.knowledgeable (adj.)มีความรู้She is very knowledgeable about (n.)สัญญาเช่าThe company holds the building on a long lease.labor (n.)แรงงานThe workers voted to withdraw their labor.landlord / landlady (n.)เจ้าของที่ดิน, เจ้าของบ้านเช่า, เจ้าของอพาร์ตเมนต์The newspaper is negotiating with its landlord to reduce its rent.license (n.)ใบอนุญาตThe vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.label (n.)ฉลากThe washing instructions are on the label.lay off (phrv.)ปลดLay off bullying Jack.liability (n.)ความรับผิดชอบThe company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.local (adj.)ในประเทศIt was difficult to understand the local dialect.manufacture (n.)การผลิตด้วยเครื่องจักรThe date of manufacture of the jewellery has not been authenticated.manufacture (v.)ผลิตThis company manufactures the equipment used to make contact lenses.maintain (v.)รักษาไว้He emphasized the need to maintain the status quo.maintenance (n.)การซ่อมบำรุง, การรักษาสภาพThe building has received no regular maintenance since it was vacated in (n.)การตลาดShe works in sales and marketing.mention (v.)กล่าวถึงShe didn’t mention the economy in her speech.meeting (n.)การประชุมA public meeting about the proposal takes place on Monday.memorandum (n.)บันทึกข้อความThe memorandum was dated 23 August, 2001.merge (v.)ผสานThe company announced plans to merge with its biggest rival.merger (n.)การควบรวมกิจการThere are local companies ripe for merger or acquisition.merchandise (n.)สินค้าThese tokens can be exchanged for merchandise in any of our stores.motivation (n.)แรงจูงใจMost people said that pay was their main motivation for working.nominate (v.)เสนอชื่อShe has been nominated for the presidency.numeral (n.)ตัวเลขYou could present inputs of numeral images with the expected outputs.numerical (adj.)เป็นตัวเลข, เกี่ยวกับตัวเลขThe drive towards numerical and managerial performance indicators has already been mentioned.objective (n.)วัตถุประสงค์We succeeded in our prime objective of cutting costs.objection (n.)การคัดค้านMy one objection is that I don’t think such an amendment is necessary.occupant (n.)ผู้เช่าอาศัย, ผู้ครอบครอง, ผู้อยู่อาศัยThere are many empty offices seeking new occupants.official (adj.)อย่างเป็นทางการYou have to get official permission to build a new office.offer (n.)ข้อเสนอI refer to your recent application and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor.officer (n.)เจ้าหน้าที่He’s a retired army intelligence officer.operate (v.)ปฏิบัติSolar panels can only operate in sunlight.opinion (n.)ความคิดเห็นIn my personal opinion, it’s a very sound investment.opportunity (n.)โอกาสThere’ll be plenty of opportunity for relaxing once the work is done.opponent (n.)คู่แข่ง, ฝ่ายตรงข้าม, คู่ต่อสู้She proved a formidable opponent in the debating chamber.occur (v.)เกิดขึ้น, มีอยู่These symptoms occur in some patients but not in others.overview (n.)ภาพรวมThe second chapter will provide an overview of the issues involved.overdue (adj.)เกินกำหนดThe rent is now overdue.outline (n.)เค้าโครงYou should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.oversee (v.)ควบคุม, ตรวจสอบHe personally oversaw the design of all the rooms.overtime (n.)เวลาพิเศษที่นอกเหนือจากเวลาทำงานปกติThe overtime costs alone have used up the public safety budget.own (v.)เป็นเจ้าของ, ครอบครองHe owns and operates an eco-tourism company.oblige (v.)บังคับCircumstances had obliged him to sell the business.package (n.)บรรจุภัณฑ์I sent the books in one big package.pact (n.)สัญญา, ข้อตกลงThey have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.parcel (n.)พัสดุShe went to collect her parcel from the depot.participant (n.)ผู้เข้าร่วมParticipants were asked to choose one of four topics for the lunch sessions.partner (n.)หุ้นส่วน, ผู้ร่วมมือHe has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.parking lot (n.)ที่จอดรถFound him in a parking lot in Brentwood.personnel (n.)พนักงาน, บุคลากรThere is a severe shortage of skilled personnel.personal (adj.)ส่วนบุคคลI need my own personal space.permanent (adj.)ถาวรWe decided to make the arrangement permanent.proposal (n.)ข้อเสนอThe proposal for a new high-speed railway met with strong opposition.productive (adj.)มีประสิทธิภาพ, ที่เกิดผลThe aim was to maximize the machine’s productive capacity.prohibit (v.)ห้ามSmoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.prohibition (n.)ข้อห้าม, การห้ามProhibition of drugs, they say, works no better than prohibition of alcohol did in the United States.priority (n.)การจัดลำดับความสำคัญThe department must start setting priorities.price (n.)ราคาThe price of crude oil has risen over the last few months.principle (n.)ทฤษฎี, กฎThere are three fundamental principles of teamwork.private (adj.)ที่เป็นส่วนตัวThe hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.predict (v.)ทำนายWe can predict with absolute confidence how the newspapers will react.permit (v.)อนุญาตThe owners have been unwilling to permit the use of their land.permit (n.)ใบอนุญาตMy parking permit was due to be renewed.permission (n.)การอนุญาต, ความยินยอมThey applied for permission to put up a temporary structure.purchase (v.)ซื้อWe recently purchased a home just outside Las Vegas.policy (n.)นโยบายHe implemented an aggressive monetary policy to stimulate the economy.premises (n.)ที่ดินและสิ่งปลูกสร้างThe company is looking for larger (v.)กดOnly press the buzzer if you have the right answer.process (n.)กระบวนการThe company has introduced a new process for handling complaints.profile (n.)ข้อมูลส่วนตัวWe first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.profession (n.)อาชีพShe was at the very top of her profession.progress (v.)ความคืบหน้าWe will continue to monitor progress over the next few (adj.)ซึ่งก้าวหน้าSupporters of a progressive income tax argue that it is fairer.promote (v.)เลื่อนตำแหน่งDad said he’d be promoted to section manager next year.promotion (n.)การเลื่อนตำแหน่งThe new job is a promotion for him.publicize (v.)ประชาสัมพันธ์, เผยแพร่They will publicize the publishing house and the cafe as well.probability (adv.)ความน่าจะเป็นไปได้The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.polite (adj.)สุภาพOur waiter was very polite and helpful.postponement (n.)การเลื่อนเวลาออกไปRiots led to the postponement of local elections.plumber (n.)ช่างประปาI think we’ll have to call the plumber to fix that tap.quote (v.)อ้างอิงShe quotes extensively from the author’s diaries.qualification (n.)คุณสมบัติIn this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications.qualified (adj.)ที่มีคุณสมบัติShe is now qualified as a teacher.question (n.)คำถามThat’s a very interesting question.rate (n.)อัตราThe costs of the project are rising at an alarming rate.rate (v.)ประเมินค่าThe show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences.realize (v.)ตระหนักถึงI hope you realize the seriousness of this crime.recruit (v.)รับสมัครThey recruited more staff to deal with the complaints.recruit (n.)การรับสมัครThey are stepping up attempts to attract new recruits to the nursing profession.register (v.)ลงทะเบียนShe is officially registered disabled.reimburse (v.)คืนเงินWe will reimburse any expenses incurred.renovate (v.)การปรับปรุงใหม่,การทำขึ้นใหม่There will be extensive renovations to the hospital.result (n.)ผลลัพธ์We have worked very hard, and the result is amazing.refund (v.)คืนเงินWe will refund you your money in full.refund (n.)การคืนเงินให้She received a refund on the unused tickets.relevant (adj.)ที่เกี่ยวข้องThese comments are not directly relevant to this inquiry.regular (adj.)ประจำWe also hold a regular monthly meeting.recommendation (n.)ข้อเสนอแนะThe major recommendation is for a change in the law.reception (n.)แผนกต้อนรับFor more information, please contact the reception desk.reduce (v.)ลดCosts have been reduced by 20% over the past year.reminder (n.)การแจ้งเตือนWe were sent a reminder about the next meeting.rival (n.)คู่แข่งShe has no rivals for the job.salary (n.)เงินเดือนThe CEO received a salary of $1 million.sanction (n.)การอนุมัติ, การอนุญาตอย่างเป็นทางการTheir ideas received official sanction at the meeting.satisfaction (n.)ความพึงพอใจThe company is trying to improve customer satisfaction.schedule (n.)กำหนดการ, ตารางรายการI have no time available in my regular schedule.session (n.)การประชุมWe still have a number of weeks before the current legislative session ends.secretary (n.)เลขานุการPlease contact my secretary to make an appointment.specialist (n.)ผู้เชี่ยวชาญShe is a specialist in children’s literature.specialize (v.)เชี่ยวชาญ, ชำนาญHe specialized in criminal law.scheme (n.)แบบแผน, แผนผังThe scheme allows customers to trade in their own computer against the cost of a new one.specify (v.)ระบุ, บ่งชี้She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.stationery (n.)เครื่องเขียนLet’s go to the stationery store first.strategy (n.)กลยุทธ์The company will now focus its strategy on its core business areas.strike (n.)การนัดหยุดงานThe strike paralysed the port.submit (n.)ส่ง, เสนอ, ยื่น

(เอกสาร, งาน)

Six groups were invited to submit proposals for the research.subsidiary (n.)บริษัทสาขาIt’s a subsidiary of bixton ganic food.systematic (adj.)เป็นระบบShe was thorough and systematic in her acquisition of the (n.)เป้าหมายThe firm is on track to achieve its growth target for the year.tackle (v.)จัดการแก้ปัญหาI think I’ll tackle the repairs next weekend.take over as (phrv.)เข้าทำงานต่อ, รับตำแหน่งต่อMitch is angling to oust you and take over as ceo.task (n.)ภารกิจThe first task for the new leader is to focus on the economy.tardily (adv.)ช้ากว่ากำหนดI am responding tardily to your letter of last month.technical (adj.)ที่เชี่ยวชาญเฉพาะทาง, ในเชิงเทคนิคThe organization provides technical assistance to farmers.technician (n.)เจ้าหน้าที่เทคนิค, ช่างเทคนิคI’m a technician and a doctor.transfer (v.)โอน, ย้ายHis superiors transferred him to easier assignments.tenant (n.)ผู้เช่าThey had evicted their tenants for non-payment of rent.temporary (adj.)ชั่วคราวI’m looking for some temporary work.transmit (v.)ส่งผ่าน, ถ่ายทอดThe data will be automatically transmitted from one part of the system to another.transportation (n.)การขนส่งThe strike brought the transportation system to a halt.TURNOVER (n.)อัตราการลาออกThe new offices have reduced the very high rates of staff turnover.unconditional (adj.)โดยไม่มีเงื่อนไข, โดยไม่มีข้อจำกัดThey demanded the unconditional withdrawal of military forces.unify (v.)ทำให้เป็นหน่วยเดียวกันThe new leader hopes to unify the country.understand (v.)เข้าใจShe didn’t understand the form she was signing.unfavorable (adj.)เสียเปรียบThe country’s geographical position is highly unfavourable.vacancy (n.)ตำแหน่งว่างThere’s a vacancy in the accounts department.vacation (n.)วันหยุดพักร้อนWe’re planning a summer vacation to Europe next year.valid (adj.)สมบูรณ์Vouchers are only valid for races taking place before 31 December.vendor (n.)ผู้ขายGet a list of vendors who deliver frozen food.wage (n.)ค่าจ้างHe made a good wage as a trader.warn (v.)เตือนI did try to warn you.share (n.)หุ้นThe company purchased 5.5m shares of the stock this week.dividend (n.)เงินปันผลShareholders will receive an interim dividend payment of 50 cents a share.Shareholder (n.)ผู้ถือหุ้นCompany shareholders approved the merger.wealth (n.)ความมั่งคั่งShe is a woman of untold wealth.workforce (n.)แรงงาน, คนทำงานCompanies are under pressure to hire a more diverse workforce.wholesale (adv.)โดยขายส่งWe buy the building materials wholesale.worth (adj.)ซึ่งมีค่า, ซึ่งมีมูลค่าThis order is potentially worth millions of pounds to the (v.)ถ่ายเอกสารCould you xerox this letter, please?yield (n.)ผลผลิต, ผลตอบแทนThis will give a yield of 10% on your investment.


คำศัพท์ TOEIC หมวดท่องเที่ยว

คำศัพท์ความหมายตัวอย่างประโยคapologize (v.)ขอโทษI’m so sorry, I do apologize.arrival (n.)การมาถึงA deposit is payable on arrival.arrive (v.)มาถึงGive me a call to let me know you’ve arrived safely.aircraft (n.)เครื่องบิน, อากาศยานEventually a man from the tower arrived, and a little bus came to take us to the aircraft.aisle (n.)ทางเดินระหว่างที่นั่งWould you like a window seat or an aisle seatappetizer (n.)อาหารเรียกน้ำย่อยIn general, the appetizers are better than the entrees.baggage (n.)กระเป๋าเดินทางCheck your baggage in at the desk.belongings (n.)สมบัติส่วนตัว, ข้าวของThey packed all their belongings into the car and left the city that night.beverage (n.)เครื่องดื่มNon-alcoholic beverages will be on sale in the foyer.cabin crew (n.)ลูกเรือThe airline will run 13 former Dan Air short-haul routes from Gatwick, using 412 of its existing flight and cabin (n.)เมืองหลวงWashington D.C., the capital of the United Statescashier (n.)พนักงานรับจ่ายเงินGo to the cashier to settle the account, and go to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription.celebration (n.)การเฉลิมฉลองThe show is a celebration of new young talent.celebrate (v.)ฉลองIt’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to celebrate.climate (n.)ภูมิอากาศLos Angeles’ warm dry climatecruise (n.)การล่องเรือLast year cruise sales rose by 20 percent in Britain to 100,000 passengers.danger (n.)ภัย, อันตรายDanger! No boats beyond this point.dangerous (adj.)ซึ่งอันตรายIt was a highly dangerous situation.destination (n.)จุดหมายปลายทางThe Greek islands are a favourite destination for people who enjoy the sun and the sea.departure (n.)การออกเดินทาง, ขาออกThere was a delay in the departure of our plane.itinerary (n.)กำหนดการเดินทางAgain she went over the first few days of their itinerary in her mind.facility (n.)สิ่งอำนวยคามสะดวกShe has an amazing facility for languages.fare (n.)ค่าเดินทาง/อาหารI had to walk home because I didn’t have enough money for the fare.harbor (n.)ท่าเรือAbout 1,000 yachts had been in the harbour for days to get the best view.passenger seat (n.)ที่นั่งผู้โดยสารA couch behind the passenger seat easily folds out to a bed, albeit a short one.reservation (n.)การจองCustomers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.timetable (n.)ตารางเวลาThe timetable said there was another train at 6.15.excursion (n.)การเที่ยวThe resort also offers daily excursions to nearby towns.exhibit (v.)จัดแสดงThe gallery will exhibit some of Monet’s paintings.field (n.)ทุ่งนา, สนามWe passed cows grazing in the (n.)หรูหราHe was leading a life of luxury in France.monument (n.)อนุสาวรีย์At daybreak or dusk, the pyramids most resemble the limestone monuments seen by the old explorers.napkin (n.)ผ้าเช็ดปากHer napkin was of pure silk with a neatly monogrammed corner.neighborhood (n.)บริเวณใกล้เคียง, ย่านThe hotel is situated in a peaceful residential neighbourhood.passenger (n.)ผู้โดยสารThe airport was jammed with thousands of passengers from delayed or cancelled flights.popularity (n.)ความนิยมCountry music is growing in popularity.popular (adj)เป็นที่นิยมCoffee is probably the most popular drink in the world.scenery (n.)ทัศนียภาพThe best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery.

คำศัพท์ TOEIC หมวดสุขภาพ / ร่างกาย

คำศัพท์ความหมายตัวอย่างประโยคelderly (adj.)สูงอายุA group of elderly ladies sat drinking coffee in the cafeteria.emergency (n.)กรณีฉุกเฉินIn an emergency, dial 119 for police, the fire department or an ambulance.intern (n.)แพทย์ฝึกหัดShe refused to be treated by an intern and demanded to see a qualified doctor.internal (adj.)ภายในThe doctor said they found some signs of internal bleeding.medical certificate (n.)ใบรับรองแพทย์If you’re sick you have to get a medical certificate.medical (adj.)ทางการแพทย์The partnership plans to invest mainly in West Coast media, medical products, biotechnology and information-technology companies.medicine (n.)ยาHave you been taking your medicine?prevention (n.)การป้องกันEducating new drivers is important for the prevention of accidents.youth (n.)วัยหนุ่มสาวMany of these people had used drugs in their youth.


คำศัพท์ TOEIC หมวดกฎหมาย

คำศัพท์ความหมายตัวอย่างประโยคappeal (v.)อุทธรณ์, ร้องขอThe police have issued a new appeal for information.claim (v.)เรียกร้องIf you’re still not satisfied, you may be able to claim compensation.claimant (n.)โจทก์, ผู้เรียกร้องสิทธิThe company will settle the lawsuit and provide compensation for claimants.compromise (v.)ประนีประนอมThey compromised by alternating days on which each chose the activity.conduct (n.)ความประพฤติThe Senator’s conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee.coverage (n.)ขอบเขตคุ้มครองในการประกันภัยMake sure the policy gives adequate coverage against burglary.damage (n.)ความเสียหาย,


The damage to his reputation was considerable.decision (n.)การตัดสิน, คำพิพากษาThe judges’ decision is finaldispute (n.)ข้อพิพาท, ความขัดแย้งThe firm is involved in a legal dispute with a rival company.evidence (n.)หลักฐานMurrow’s evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder.force (n.)กำลังThe police used force to overpower the demonstrators.fuel (n.)เชื้อเพลิงThe fuel tank holds 14 gallons.investigate (v.)สืบสวนWe sent our reporter, John, to investigate.investigation (n.)การตรวจสอบหาความจริงThe investigation continued for nearly two years.judge (n.)ผู้พิพากษาThe judge advised the governor that the law violated the First Amendment rights of teachers.justice (n.)ความยุติธรรมHis people came to him demanding justice.justification (n.)การให้เหตุผลThere is no justification for holding her in jail.misrepresent (v.)บิดเบือนความจริงHe was found guilty of misrepresenting the true position of his accounts.oblige (v.)บังคับCircumstances had obliged him to sell the business.patent (n.)สิทธิบัตรHe applied for a patent for a new method of removing paint.pollute (v.)ก่อให้เกิดมลพิษThe factory pollutes the air and water.


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